A C-corporation, also known as a C-corp or Subchapter C, is the default corporation under IRS rules. It’s a business structure where owners (shareholders) are taxed separately from the business. Running a business as a C-corporation offers numerous advantages, including limited liability protection, access to capital, perpetual existence, and certain tax benefits. However, there are also significant disadvantages, such as double taxation, complex legal and regulatory requirements, higher costs, lack of profit allocation flexibility, and increased public scrutiny.

Pros of running a business as a C-corporation

Limited liability protection

One of the main advantages of a C-corporation is the limited liability protection it offers to its shareholders. The corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners, so shareholders are generally not personally liable for the company’s debts and legal obligations.

Easier access to capital

C-corporations have an advantage when it comes to raising capital. They can issue multiple classes of stock, including preferred stock, common stock, and stock options, to attract investors. This flexibility allows corporations to attract capital from a wide range of sources, including venture capitalists, angel investors, and the public through initial public offerings (IPOs). Additionally, the presence of a corporate structure can lend credibility to the business, making it easier to secure loans from financial institutions.

Perpetual existence

Unlike sole proprietorships or partnerships, a C-corporation has perpetual existence. Its life is not contingent upon the lives of its owners or key executives. The corporation can continue to operate even if there are changes in ownership or management. This stability is beneficial for long-term business planning, succession, and attracting key employees who seek stability and career growth opportunities.

Tax advantages

C-corporations have the ability to deduct a wider range of business expenses, such as employee benefits, healthcare costs, and business travel expenses. Additionally, they have the opportunity to retain earnings within the corporation, which are taxed at a lower corporate tax rate compared to individual tax rates, allowing for potential tax savings.

Also read: What Are The Different Types Of Business Entities?

Cons of running a business as a C-corporation

Double taxation

One of the biggest disadvantages of a C-corporation is double taxation. C-corps are subject to corporate income tax on their profits. If the corporation distributes dividends to its shareholders, those dividends are also subject to individual income tax at the shareholder level. This can result in a higher overall tax burden compared to other business structures, such as pass-through entities like LLCs or S-corporations.

Complex legal and regulatory requirements

Running a C-corporation involves complying with more legal and regulatory requirements than other entities. These include filing articles of incorporation, adopting bylaws, holding regular shareholder and board of directors meetings, maintaining accurate financial records, and complying with various reporting obligations. These administrative tasks can be time-consuming and require professional assistance, which may increase the cost of operating the business.

Higher set up and maintenance costs

Establishing and maintaining a C-corporation can be more expensive than other business structures. Costs include legal fees for incorporation, ongoing filing fees, and potentially higher accounting costs due to the complexity of corporate financial statements and tax filings. 

Public scrutiny and disclosure requirements

Publicly traded C-corporations are subject to extensive disclosure requirements imposed by regulatory bodies like the SEC. These requirements include filing periodic reports, disclosing financial information, and adhering to corporate governance standards. The increased transparency can result in public scrutiny, loss of privacy, and potential negative consequences if the company fails to meet expectations or faces reputation issues.

C-corporation vs LLC

Ownership and structure

  • C-corporation: C-corporations have a more formal and structured ownership and management system. They have shareholders, who own the corporation through shares of stock. Shareholders elect a board of directors, who oversee the corporation’s affairs and make major decisions. The officers, such as the CEO and CFO, are responsible for day-to-day operations.
  • LLC: LLCs have a more flexible ownership structure. They are typically owned by one or more members, who can be individuals or other entities. Members have a more direct role in the management of the LLC, or they can choose to appoint managers to handle the company’s operations.

Liability protection

  • C-corporation: One of the main advantages of a C-corporation is the limited liability protection it offers to shareholders. Shareholders are generally not personally liable for the corporation’s debts and legal obligations. Their personal assets are protected, and their liability is limited to their investment in the corporation.
  • LLC: Similar to C-corporations, LLCs provide limited liability protection to their members. Members are generally not personally liable for the LLC’s debts and liabilities. However, in some situations, such as personal guarantees or negligent actions, members may be held personally liable.


  • C-corporation: C-corporations are subject to corporate income tax on their profits. The corporate tax rates vary, and if the corporation distributes dividends to shareholders, those dividends are subject to individual income tax at the shareholder level. This results in the potential issue of double taxation.
  • LLC: LLCs have more flexibility in taxation. By default, an LLC is treated as a “pass-through” entity for tax purposes. This means that the profits and losses of the LLC are passed through to the members, and they report them on their individual tax returns. This avoids double taxation at the entity level. However, LLCs can also choose to be taxed as a C-Corporation by filing an election with the IRS.

Formalities and compliance

  • C-corporation: C-corporations have more formalities and compliance requirements. They’re required to hold regular shareholder and board meetings, maintain detailed corporate records, and fulfill reporting obligations to regulatory bodies. This includes filing annual reports, financial statements, and other documents as required by state laws and regulatory agencies.
  • LLC: LLCs have fewer formalities and compliance requirements compared to C-corporations. While specific requirements may vary by state, LLCs generally have less paperwork and administrative obligations. They are not typically required to hold formal meetings or maintain extensive corporate records.

Capital structure and fundraising

  • C-corporation: C-corporations have a more established and widely recognized structure for raising capital. They can issue multiple classes of stock, such as common stock and preferred stock, which can attract investors and facilitate fundraising. C-corporations also have the opportunity to go public through an initial public offering (IPO) and raise funds from the general public.
  • LLC: LLCs have more flexibility in terms of capital structure. While they can bring in new members or allocate ownership interests, their options for raising capital may be more limited compared to C-corporations. LLCs can still raise capital through member contributions, loans, or attracting investors, but the process may be less formal and more tailored to the specific needs of the LLC.

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