Logan Ullyott

Logan Ullyott

Logan Ullyott has helped hundreds of startups and thousands of people with visas. He’s a 4x O-1A visa holder, 1x TN visa holder, and has his green card in process. He was part of the founding team at Legalpad (VP of Revenue) and co-founded Droneseed before going full-time into helping entrepreneurs with their visas. Logan is the founder of On A Passport where he provides immigration support and consulting for entrepreneurs and ambitious, talented people.

May 19, 2023
How to Get an O-1 Visa (Without “Extraordinary Ability”)

You may have heard of the “O-1 visa” before. Some people call it “the genius visa.” Most assume that it’s reserved for the foremost experts in their field; the researchers curing cancer and COVID, scientists sending rockets into space, and the business leaders with billions at their disposal. After all, the government specifically calls out […]